WBCS EXAM stands for West Bengal Civil Service (executive) Exam & candidates are selected for posts in the cadre of West Bengal Civil Service (Exe.) and certain other services and posts under Group A, Group B, Group C, and Group D.



All candidates applying for the exam must hold a graduate degree in any discipline from any University recognized by UGC. Additionally, the aspirant should have the ability to read, write and speak in Bengali (not required for those aspirants whose mother tongue is Nepali) .



As on 1st January of the year student is appearing for the exam following age limits apply:

WBCS positions 2022 WBCS age limit for 2022 exam (more than – less than)
For services and posts included in Group ‘A’ & ’C’ More than 21- less than 36 years
West Bengal Police Service only (i.e. Group ‘B’ Service) More than 20- less than 36 years
For services and posts included in Group ‘D’ More than 21- less than 39 years



WBCS Exam does not have a very tight exam calendar, exam schedule is erratic. The scheme of exam is as follows -

  1. Preliminary exam
  2. Main Exam
  3. Personality Test

The marks obtained in this examination by the candidates in Prelims Exam will not be considered for final selection. Only those candidates who will be declared qualified at the Preliminary Examination in a year shall be eligible for admission to the W.B.C.S.(Exe.) etc.(Main) Examination of that year.

WBCS Prelims Exam Pattern 2022 – Normally held in the month of January of February

  1. The Preliminary Examination is meant to serve as a qualification Test only for the purpose of selection of candidates for the Main Examination.
  2. The Preliminary Examination will consist of only one paper, viz., a paper on “General Studies”.
  3. The paper will be of an objective type consisting of 200 multiple-choice questions carrying. The paper will carry 200 marks.
  4. Duration of exam is of 2½ hours.
  5. The standard of the paper will be of the level of knowledge as expected of a graduate of any faculty of a recognized University.
  6. The paper will include questions covering the following fields of knowledge with a bias towards questions connected to west bengal:

CUT OFFS – In last 5 years cut off for general category candidates has been less than 58%.


Subject  Marks No.of Questions Duration 
English Language 25 25 2 Hours
General Science 25 25
Current events of National & International Importance 25 25
History of India 25 25
Geography of India with special reference to West Bengal 25 25
Indian Polity and Economy 25 25
Indian National Movement 25 25
General Mental Ability 25 25
Total 200 200 2 Hours


Exam Pattern 2022

Normally held 8-12 months after preliminary exam

  1. The Main Examination shall consist of six compulsory papers and one optional subject consisting of two papers (Only for candidates applying for group A and/or B) to be chosen by the candidates from the list of optional subjects given below.
  2. There will be two papers of the optional subject of 200 marks each.
  3. Each paper, Compulsory or Optional, will carry 200 marks and will be of 3 hours duration.
Papers Group A Group B Group C Group D
Language Paper (Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali/Santali) 200 200 200 200
English Paper 200 200 200 200
General Studies – Paper I 200 200 200 200
General Studies-Paper II 200 200 200 200
Constitution of India and Indian Economy 200 200 200 200
Arithmetic and Test of Reasoning 200 200 200 200
Optional Subject – (One subject: Two papers of 200 marks each) 400 400 -- --
Personality Test or interview 200 200 150 100
Total Marks 1800 1800 1350 1300



  • Aspirants are free to choose any optional, it also means that subjects not opted for in graduation are also allowed.


Address- DB-45, (Near CA island) Salt Lake – Kolkata – 700064

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